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If you want to buy fewer ebooks, just about every major online bookstore carries our ebooks. The best way to find them is to go to our home page, locate the book you want, and click on “Learn More.” On the book detail page, lower right corner, you’ll see a “View on Books2Read” link. Click on that to see lots of places to buy the ebook. (It will not list Amazon though!)
You can buy directly from us and save 20% off list price, with free shipping within the US. Minimum purchase is $50 USD, and delivery takes about 2 weeks. Click here to visit our “Buy Our Books” page.
If you want to buy fewer books or get them faster, just about every major online bookstore carries our books. Amazon is the most popular, and you can find a list of most of our books on Jeff Pepper’s author page. Other print distributors include Walmart and Barnes & Noble.